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CJ Law Brings Action Challenging NYS Court's Vaccine Mandate

July 14, 2022
By: Peter Judge

picture of NYS court officers

CJ Law is proud to announce that we have filed a lawsuit in the United States District Court, Eastern District of New York, on behalf of almost 100 court employees. We challenge the Chief Judge's requirement that all judicial and non-judicial employees statewide must be vaccinated against COVID-19 to report to their workplace. It challenges the constitutionality of the Mandate, its rationale, and the "science" it is based on. The lawsuit is novel in material ways that seperate it from prior lawsuits that failed.

Chad J. LaVeglia said "the men and women who work in the courts are the backbone of the court system. They perform essential tasks that the system needs to operate. As someone who is frequently in court, I have seen how difficult their jobs can be, I have enjoyed countless conversations with folks from all different backgrounds, I have benefited from their wisdom and guidance and; most importantly I profoundly respect them. It is a privilege to work with them in court, and it is an even greater honor to fight for them in the courtroom."

While the executive branch carved out its own trail of self imposed power, the judicial branch followed. In September 2021, the administrative arm of the court system (OCA) imposed its own vaccine mandate. Where does it get this power from? No where, it made it up. They used this power like a vice, to squeeze court staff. These brave men and women are fighting back. The lawsuit goes beyond legal authority. It attackes the mandate from multiple angles, ranging from constitutional violations to the weak, baseless foundation the mandate rests on. The evidence that the COVID-19 Vaccines are not as effective as promised is overwhelming. This evidence cannot be ignored while its converse is used as a sword to dispense with employees who say no.